Each year many of my clients both new and old have the same issue in common, virus protection expired. This is very important if you are on the internet daily and have youth in your home. Because the internet is WORLDWIDE, every website is not meant for good. Some people have created websites just to infect your computer with viruses or spyware. The most common mistake many users make is not renewing the trial or purchased virus protection. When you buy a new system it may come with virus protection that will last 30 to 90 days. Once it expires it then wants a credit to purchase what's called a valid 1 to 2 year subscription. If you decide to decline this offer your virus protection software immediately stops working. This means you are now vulnerable to viruses and spyware on your machine. Just remember virus or spyware protection is a must in the computer world today. Yeah it may cost you $30 to $50 a year now, but if your machine gets infected get ready to shell out at least $75 to $150 dollars for a System Restore. I suggest renewing or purchasing your virus protection in the beginning of the year so you can set a mental reminder each year that it's time to renew. A lot of the major virus protection software will let you know when you are at least 30 days from expiration. Do me and yourself a favor don't ignore the warning. There is a great promotion on virus protection software being offered by MLH Consultants Click Here
If you are looking to purchase a new computer it may seem hard to find a Windows 7 machine in your local retail stores. While some people love Windows 8 others hate it. I have seen some excellent deals on computers that are mostly Windows 8. Depending on your learning ability it may be better to stay with Windows 7, however you may find some difficulty find a Windows 7 machine. Your retail salesperson only has deals on Windows 8 to offer you. We have been getting requests from customers for Windows 7 and there are still plenty of Windows 7 machines out there. I personally recommend some people to stay on Windows 7 if they are not the techie types. Recently I purchased a laptop that was Windows 8 and tried to downgrade it to Windows 7. To my surprise the manufacturer of the laptop did not support Windows 7. One thing I notice myself doing is constantly hitting the windows button for the start menu which takes you to the new tile screen in Windows 8. If you are not ready to move up to Windows 8 then contact MLH Consultants today and we will help find you a Windows 7 machine that will be just as good for now. Remember depending on your machine specs you can always upgrade later. For more information on Windows 8 or Windows 7 visit http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/products
Recently I was at a client's home and discovered while repair their company that it was full of dust and lint. Depending on the environment and air quality of your home this could cost you some dollars down the road. Inside your desktop computer case is at least 1 to 2 running fans. Newer machines can have 3 or more. These fans keeps your pc running cool almost like a car radiator. However the fans attract dust and lint to build up over time. If your home is very dusty then you should check this at least every 3 to 6 months. Here is the #1 reason why overheating. If the computer overheats this can cause either your computer's cpu to die or if your lucky just your power supply. A power supply can cost anywhere from $30 to $100 depending on your brand and power need. Sometimes a power supply will die over a long period of time because it draws a lot of heat. However if your machine is dusty or even clogged with lint expect a repair charge very soon.Cleaning your pc is very easy. Canned air is good if you catch it early before the buildup. One of the best solutions is a shop vac or your regular household vacuum that has various hose attachments. If you are are reluctant to do this yourself then contact MLH Consultants today and we will correct the issue for you. Check out this Video from Fox 2 Detroit on PC Spring Cleaning
Click Here to request an appointment. Today everything in our home is technology based. You have smart tvs, smart phones, smart DVD players, and smart lights. This thought led me to thinking with all these things that we are slowly depending on will we need IT Insurance. Now if you are in the State of Michigan, we are required by law to have car insurance in order to drive a motor vehicle on the road. If something breaks down or you need technical help to explain what's going on in "PLAIN ENGLISH" be ready to be put on hold after going through prompt after prompt before screaming at the top of your lungs HELP! So what is IT Insurance? At MLH Consultants we are in the process of developing IT Insurance for each of our valued customers. Which means instead of paying a high service call to get assistance with your technology based products, we will assist you for free with a paid insurance plan. You can now leave everything up to us to repair or get warranty support on your products. Just make one call to us and we handle it from there. No more phone pro
Recently I have been receiving a lot of calls in regards to cracked laptop screens. Many laptops comes with an LCD Screen (Liquid Crystal Display). These screens can be durable through any condition except large weight, drops, or puncture. When your laptop screen is broken from an accident of some sort it's not the end of the world. Good thing most laptops comes with a VGA or HDMI option. This means that you can use an external monitor or TV to view your important documents and music you have stored on your laptop. The screen is broken but the laptop is still good. In the days of old I would tell people to get a whole new machine because the cost of a new screen was more than the value of the laptop. However today you can find some screens under a $100 depending on the size and manufacturer. Recently I had a friend who just purchased a laptop 1 year ago which was knocked off the table. The screen did break. For a couple months they were able to use an external monitor to finish school assignments. When the screen is broken or cracked the manufacturer will not repair it under the warranty because it's considered damaged. I was able to a brand new replacement screen for $100 and now the person is able to finish up those important school assignments without lugging around a laptop and external monitor. So depending on your laptop's age and model you may be able to save some money and fix what you already have without paying another $400 or more for a brand new laptop. If you need assistance with a broken laptop screen then Click Here to Contact MLH Consultants for a repair quote. We will do our best to help you find a screen. If you know your part number Ebay is a good place to find a screen for cheap prices. Have a little patience and your screen will be fixed in no time!
Many people ask me about refurbished(used) products all the time. Refurbished computers for example have different meanings. If you see a great deal on a computer in a retail store for refurbished computers this can save you a great deal of cash depending on the price. Refurbished in a retail store means the product was opened and returned or it was fixed by the manufacturer from a defect. Most people cannot tell the difference. The computer usually comes with all the parts and accessories. The key is making sure you understand the warranty period. A warranty can be 90 days or the remainder of the manufacturer's standard 1 year warranty. Be sure to do your homework or consult with a professional. I like to look at certain refurbished products because you can save anywhere from $50 to $100 off the product. If the manufacturer is reputable then I may take a shot on purchasing the product. Several years ago I purchased a 60 inch flat screen TV refurbished for less than $1100. The TV was 1040p HD and came with everything in the box. Watching the news is better on 60 inches. The TV had a 6 month warranty I believe. Well let's just say I had my first issue 4 years later. I thought the issue was going to be major but with a little research I found the part for less than $50 online and a internet video on how to fix it myself. So in this case refurbished was a good deal for me. So lets talk computers. I have also had some success in this area as well as failures. The key is how much you want to save versus spend. With the right help you can be a winner and walk away with some extra money for things like GAS. In closing seek a professional because the deal for refurbished could be Good or Bad. If you would like to purchase a quality refurbished computer then check out this company who is local in the area and has great prices and service to meet your budget on refurbished computers. Check out our Promotions page for a $20 off coupon to RTG Computers this month only until February 28th.
January 2015
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